OsteoBiol Putty Case Study

OsteoBiol Putty Case Study

1.Ridge split procedure was performed,
securing the opening with a 2mm screw.

2. Thin edentulous ridge with cuts made.

3. Osteo-Biol Putty

4. The ridge split was approxinmately 7mm.
This was filled with Osteo-Biol Putty before an
Evolution membrane was placed over the area.

5. A transposition flap was performed and
the site closed with a tension free series of
interrupted polyglactin 910 sutures.

6. View of prepared bony ridge.

7. Four months post ridge split the site was
uncovered in preparation for implant placement.

8. The screw was removed, and a
drill guidance system was used to place a
4mm wide platform Branemark implant.

9. Note the generous volume of bone and
the replacement of the Putty with natural
bone in the grafted area.

10. Implant site 2 weeks post operative.
It is envisaged that Stage II surgery will
occur after 4 months.

Ridge split clinical series using Osteobiol Putty

Case study courtesy of Dr John Bridgman MB ChB MDS FRACDS (OMS)